Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Davrita

At one point I was in search of the perfect margarita. I never figured it out, but came up with the Davrita. If you like the taste of tequila, you will find the first one goes down surprisingly easy. And then you'll want another one. After you finish the second, you'll find your judgment seriously impaired and think a third one is a good idea. Occasionally people make it through the third Davrita and start a fourth. This is waste as I've never seen anyone (including the inventor) successfully finish the fourth. The closest anyone has come to my knowledge is spilling the damn thing.

Anyhow, to make the Davrita you need a good tequila. And a pint glass with some ice cubes....

Fill the glass about 1/2 - 2/3 with tequila depending on how many ice cubes are taking up precious volume. Next, add some orange stuff, like Contreau. Say about a 1/3 of the amount of tequila:

By now your glass should be close to 3/4 full. Add the juice of one fresh lime:

Finally, if you want to cut it a bit, fill up the rest with orange juice and add just a pinch of salt. Stir gently and give someone else your keys -- you're finished.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Google Spam Box

Here's a trick you can play on someone you don't like. But make sure that you really don't like them and make sure they can't figure out it was you.....

Take their name, address, e-mail address, and home phone number. Go on sites for life insurance quotes, payday loans, auto loans and quotes, moving companies, even in-home blind consultations. Anything you can think of. Copy and paste the person's contact info in, requesting more information. Giggle....they're screwed.

Near as I can tell, that's what happened to me. Either one of y'all out there don't like me (understandable at times), or (and I'm secretly hoping this is the case) some kid just hacked a company mailing list and started pranking everyone on it. A couple months have passed, and it doesn't look like any ID theft or anything. First, why would they alert me like that? Second, I've checked my credit and put an alert on my account. Third, they apparently didn't have my SSN or birthday based on what they entered for life insurance.

The phone calls have pretty much stopped finally, as they were almost all legit businesses trying to follow up a lead. But my SPAM filter on my gmail account has exploded. At least it seems to work. I used to average around 400-500, as any over 30 days automatically were deleted. You can see where I'm at now. I'm waiting to hit 5000, but I though 4444 was a pretty cool number.
